Contact us

Please feel free to use the form below to send us any questions, comments, or to schedule an appointment. You can also call us at 514 674 2428 (leave a message outside of office hours and we will get back to you the next morning) or email us directly at! You can also like our page on Facebook for lots of cute as well as informative kitty info, and to stay up to date with all the goings on at our clinic!    
Want to book an appointment, or have any questions about our services and how we can help you and your cat? Call us today at 514 674 2428!

For all emergencies outside of office hours, please call the Centre DMV at: 514-633-8888.


    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)


    Your Message


    Conveniently located in Pointe Claire Plaza, the corner of St. Jean Boulevard and Donegani. We are right next to the book store, just walk down the stairs with the blue stair rail and you will find us. See the google map below!

    If you have lost your cat, send us as much information as you can about their last whereabouts, name, appearance, as well as a clear photo, and we will share the information at our clinic and on our Facebook page to increase the chances of them being found and reunited with you. If you have found a cat, bring them in and we can scan them to see if they have an identifying microchip!

    Working hours






    10:30am - 4:00pm


    10:30am - 4:00pm


    10:30am - 4:00pm


    10:30am - 4:00pm


    9:00am - 1:00pm

    • 514 674 2428
    • 263A Boul. Saint-Jean, Pointe-Claire Plaza, Pointe-Claire, Quebec Canada